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  • Writer's pictureJess

Hello again.

It’s been a while since I have written a blog post, not because I haven’t wanted to but because I’ve been leaning into my personal time for reading, watching, listening, and showing up for those I love. But I think I’m ready to write again, for me, for my well-being practice, to discover and rediscover bits of myself that I found when writing regularly for pleasure. So much has changed in and around me since I started this blog three years ago and, if you follow me on Instagram, you know I share frequently. This comes from a deep need to connect with others and a deeper need to share stories and preserve my memories. My memories of moving, of homemaking, of embracing quaintness, of motherhood, of finding simplicity, and maintaining wellness. The pandemic solidified many things for me, many aspects of my life I’d like to share— my appreciation for the 9-5, my love of travel, my need of boundaries, the value of real friends—I’ll expand through my words, but essentially it is a newfound gratitude for life. So, this is a “hello again” as I find my way back to writing and space to share the fullness and complexity and tenderness of this life I love to talk about. I hope to share about new and old friendships, the garden we built and tend to, what it feels like to be a family of three, my anxiety and imposter syndrome, my choice to be sober, slow living, and my return to reading for joy. Some reflections may have already been shared briefly on Instagram and some will be new and unprocessed as life unfolds. This writing is not meant to be critiqued, it’s raw, it’s shared from the heart, unfiltered and rarely edited. I have missed writing this way.

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